American Lotus, Nelumbo Lutea 
Nelumbo lutea is a species of flowering plant in the family Nelumbonaceae. Common names include American lotus, yellow lotus, water-chinquapin, and volée. It is native to North America.​​​​​​​
American Bittern, Botaurus lentiginosus. 
The American bittern is a species of wading bird in the heron family. It has a Nearctic distribution, breeding in Canada and the northern and central parts of the United States, and wintering in the U.S. Gulf Coast states, all of Florida into the Everglades, the Caribbean islands and parts of Central America.
Formation of an Oxbow lake.
 An oxbow lake is a U-shaped lake that forms when a wide meander of a river is cut off, creating a free-standing body of water. In south Texas, oxbows left by the Rio Grande are called resacas. In Australia, oxbow lakes are called billabongs. The word "oxbow" can also refer to a U-shaped bend in a river or stream, whether or not it is cut off from the main stream.
Shortness sucker, chasmistes brevirostris
The shortnose sucker (Chasmistes brevirostris) is a rare species of fish in the family Catostomidae, the suckers. This fish is native to southern Oregon and northern California in the United States. It is a federally listed endangered species of the United States. This fish can grow up to half a meter long.
Bald cypress Taxodium distichum
The baldcypress tree is the classic tree of southern swamps. There, in its native habitat, it displays a peculiar habit of raising conical "knees" from its roots. The function of these growths is something of a mystery, although some believe it is a way to help the roots get oxygen. This tree dwells in swamps because it out-competes most other trees on such sites.

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